Technology department
Technology department will provide support to R&D department in conducting scientific-research activities, with emphasis on application of research results on industry users, i.e. market.

One of the major problems in the metal industry is the lack of experienced welders, which will become even more apparent in the next few years. Classic training takes too long and is usually very expensive. Virtual learning technology in conventional education and practice is undergoing major changes.

The combination of virtual technology and simulator has created a new technology known as the “virtual simulator” and its application is also found in welding training. The Metal Center Čakovec will be equipped with the most modern welding simulator.

Development and Educational Centre for the Metal Industry – Metal Centre Čakovec
Bana Josipa Jelačića 22 D
40 000 Čakovec
T: +385 (0) 40 395 560
F: +385 (0) 40 395 142
PIN: 44226932013
IBAN: HR8324070001100057905 (OTP bank, Split)
The project was implemented within the framework of the OP "Competitiveness and Cohesion" for the period 2014-2020, under the call " Investing into organizational reform and infrastructure within the sector of research, development and innovation".